Exhibitor Details

Stand : A03

Company Profile

MESI is an innovative company located in Kent that develops and produces medical devices for diagnostic purposes in Primary and Secondary Care. MESI is focused on simplifying diagnostics, providing clinicians with predictive medical assessments. On display is the new MESI mTABLET that will perform all tests wirelessly including 1-minute ABPI doppler measurements, ECG, Spirometry, SPO2 and 24-hour ambulatory BP to name a few. All measurements taken can be linked to your EHR. Come and see us on Stand Number A03 to have your 1-minute ABPI test.

Website: Click Here

Country: United Kingdom

#ECG #Spirometry #BP #ABPI #TBPI #SPO2
  • Blood Pressure Monitors
  • ECG
  • Patient Monitoring
  • Pulse Oximeters
  • Test Equipment
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